Inhabited by quirky contraptions, Squaring the Wheel brings together circus skills, puppetry, magic, wacky mechanisms and unexpected music, coming together in a theatrical stage extravaganza with a comical and physical language. When the eccentric misfit stumbles into a pile of junk, hungry and on his own, it doesn't seem to be his lucky day. Till he discovers that things don't necessarily have to be as bad as they first appear. More precisely, they don't have to be what they appear at all!

A family show from Australia, kooky antics, absurd gadgets, tomfoolery and a high energy performance are balanced with themes of loneliness, thinking outside the box and friendship. This is a joyous and heart-warming story of finding one's place.

What the reviewers have said:

"This feel-good and inventive piece of magical theatre will inspire many a budding creative mind, which bodes well for our future." THEATREVIEW, MARCH 2015

"Squaring the wheel is pure junkyard genius." SYDNEY FESTIVAL 2014

"Very pleased with your performance in Hamilton today! The kids loved it and could not stop talking about all your magic and mayhem. Well done, great performance." KATRINA ARNEL, HAMILTON


  • Adelaide Fringe Award for 'best presentation for children’.


