This will be a beginner/refresher workshop on tapestry weaving techniques. Students will get an understanding of the structure and construction of a woven tapestry. They will learn to put a warp on the loom and prepare it for weaving. Students will learn basic weave structures, how to blend colours on the bobbin and in the weave; how to create diagonals, curves, hatching, various joining techniques, finishing techniques. Each student should come away with a small tapestry and extensive folder of notes at the end of the workshop.
Tutor: Patricia Armour
Patricia has been weaving tapestry for over 20 years. She has have exhibited in New York; Ferrara, Italy; Vienna, and London. This year Patricia won the supreme award at Creative Fibre Festival Wellington. She designed from photographs, drawings, paintings and prints which are put together as collages to reveal a narrative. Her work is inspired by the human form, ancient mythology, legend and the art of the Pre-Raphaelites and is full of symbolism. She expresses human emotions and experiences in my work and use the human figure and images from nature to convey a contemplative, tranquility.
Notes for Participants: Please bringSewing needles (not too fine) and sewing cotton (I use grey, though white and black is fine). Scissors, Masking tape, Measuring tape/ruler, Vivid permanent marker pen, pen and paper, tapestry frame.
Please bring your own lunch and snacks.
Tapestry frames – If you require to borrow one from the tutor a bond payable of $45 which is refundable at the end of the course needs to be paid to tutor on day 1 of the workshop.
Bookings: Book @ Wairarapa REAP, 340 Queen St, Masterton or on 06-377 1379. Cash or internet payments only
Booking Deadline: Tuesday 1 Oct @ 5pm
Please Note: All workshops have a minimum number of places, which must be filled to run. If that minimum number is not reached you will be notified and receive a full refund from Kokomai.